
January 12, 2010

Chad Update


I am writing to let you know I am currently in Seattle, Washington to visit family for a few short weeks before potentially finishing flight training and heading to Africa around the second week of February. A lot still needs to happen between now and then but God is mighty and I believe He will keep moving obstacles out of the way as I step forward to face them. I hope and pray that all of you have been well taken care of by the Lord and are in good spirits. I pray for you all whenever I think of you. My purpose in Seattle is to see all of the family members I can, go through years of collected belongings and sort them, and to study for the Commercial Pilot checkride that is coming roughly two weeks after I return to Tennessee. Please pray for these endeavors! And write me an email or call to say how you are doing. My phone number is at the bottom of this email. 

I also wanted to share a couple of things I have found comforting this past week. One is a children's book that I think we all can identify with. By the third or fourth page I knew exactly what the author was describing with the "dots" and drew great comfort from the end of the story. The second item is a video that you can watch online called A Father's Love Letter. It is worth watching in my opinion. I hope these are a blessing to you.

There is one that is narrated but this is my favorite.

The book is called You are Special by Max Lucado. I have a copy given to me on pdf and I am contacting the owner of the copyright to see if I can distribute it to my friends. As of now the book is $2.00 with free shipping on at least one website I found.

God Bless,

Scott Sterling

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