
January 6, 2013

Updates to blog


We've updated the blog title to reflect the name of our ministry. To be specific, the name of our ministry is Bolivia Adventist Missions, and we are a member of the worldwide mission organization Gospel Ministries, International.

We also updated the "How to Help" page. There is a list of needs to pray for or contribute to, and new instructions for donating. Just to re-iterate: we do not ask others for funding for our project, we go directly to God and expect Him to provide all our needs for doing His work. We do not believe it is wrong to ask others to help, but we are doing this to show the world (and ourselves) that God can and will provide the needs of the people working for Him, whether they have rich friends and relatives, or they are poor and unknown. May it be a testimony that anyone who is called by God can step forward and expect God to open the way before them and provide for them as they pursue missionary work. For more great testimonies you can visit the Gospel Ministries International website at and click on the Resources tab.

Min and I have finished with most of our plans while visiting the United States this year, and will be traveling soon to Bolivia. The school year doesn't start for a few more months, so we'll use this time to prepare and hopefully to build a little house for ourselves at the school. I'll be doing some flight training most likely, and being oriented on the flying routes near the school. We've received a lot of school supplies and other useful items from friends and family, and are excited to get back to work in Bolivia. We look forward to seeing the students as well. May God work through us to prepare many more people for heaven!

God Bless,


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