
October 18, 2013

Teaching and Traveling


Well, we are recovering from our loss day by day. It is much harder for Min, having been intimately connected to Michael for almost 9 months. Some days she is fine and others a deep sadness comes over her and she can't stop crying. Please pray for emotional healing for us, especially for Min. 

Min's mother came to visit us for two weeks. That was a big blessing! She's the first of our friends and relatives back home to see what missionary life is like here in Bolivia. She brought us lots of gifts from her and friends and family too, which was a blessing. We love you guys!

Here she is at the port in Guayaramerin:

Here we are eating at our house:

Before we went to Guayara we celebrated her birthday:

I've been teaching since the week after we came back. The directors at the school kindly said that we didn't have to do any teaching, just come back and let them love us. That was really nice! I recommended that Min not teach unless she really wanted to, and she decided that it was best for her not to yet. 

When we arrived there was a big surprise waiting for us! Some students and staff had gone all-out to fix up our house better than we'd dreamed. Everyone pitched in something and it went from being one of the poorest-condition houses to one of the best! What a blessing. It has all-tile floors, a tiled bathroom, a wooden "couch" for guests, curtains, and it's all done with our favorite colors: blue and yellow. 

So we know we're very much loved here. 

Min's brother came to visit from Switzerland, so Min traveled back to the US to spend time with family. So for two weeks I've had to live like a bachelor again. I just washed some laundry today...

I have to endure for three more weeks and then I can go join her. Thank you to the family and friends who chipped in to get our airline tickets! We praise The Lord for the chance to come and visit. 

I don't have all the contact info that I should, but if anyone who reads this would like us to speak in their church while we are in town please connect us with someone whom we can coordinate with. 

Our tentative plans are:
Chattanooga area: Nov 9-16
Seattle, WA: Nov 17-Dec 3 
Chicago, IL: Dec 4 - Dec 8
Pensacola, FL: Dec 11 - Dec 15
Chattanooga: Dec 16 - Dec 24

These could change. 

Also if anyone we know has a vehicle we could borrow for any of these trips, please let us know. 

We love you all,

God bless,

Scott and Min