We've been through some tough experiences lately, and have put everything in our September newsletter. This time it's in a nice PDF format. Here is the link:
Min and Scott are currently serving with Gospel Ministries, International (www.gospelministry.org) in Bolivia as teachers. Scott is also a pilot and they hope to begin flying into jungle villages from the school to help the people there and share the Gospel with them.
Scott is originally from Washington State and Min grew up in Ethiopia, Madagascar and Kenya, and received her nursing degree in the United States.
Scott spent most of his young life pursuing a career as a military pilot, which he gave up to follow God when He called. Now he hopes to serve God with the rest of his life, even if it means as a poor jungle pilot!
Scott and Min were married in November 2010 and quickly made plans to go together and begin their missionary work. They have been there for three years now and will be there as long as the Lord wills.